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The Mission:
Think Plan Execute

Business Planner 

The Mission has been designed to help professionals and aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to plan in advance for each new day, week, month, and year in a way that allows you to own the business of your dreams and live a successful like.  


You need a system to manage your business and we've got it. This beautifully written 460-page planner with a month-by-month financial tracker will help keep your expenditures under control. Formulate a plan you can follow by charting your goals for the next 5 years on your Vision Map. Create strategies to achieve your yearly goals on your Action Plan and work your way to crushing these goals with the Monthly Overview and Review sheets.


The Mission is your personal mentor for success; with sheets like its Success Statement, Missioners will make a declaration of their specific goals and how it will attract success in their lives. At the end of the day it is you vs Y-O-U.

Great Features of The Mission:

  • Journey Map

  • Personal Success Statement

  • Business Mission and Vision Statement

  • Idea Inventory Log

  • Vision Map

  • Monthly Overview & Review

  • Goal-Setting Sheets

  • Action Plan

  • SWOT Analysis

  • Motivational Quotes to inspire and boost productivity

  • Day-to-Day Planning

  • Daily & Monthly Expense/Income Tracking

  • Record what you are grateful for each day in the cleverly designed Gratitude Jar

  • Financials to help you calculate your total start-up and to effectively manage your income and expenses

Missioners' Review

"The Mission: Think Plan Execute business planner is VERY user-friendly and practical. [The] planner was well thought out; from design to content. The greatest thing about the planner is the simplicity of it; any budding entrepreneur can understand and use it." 

Kadeen Harvery

Owner | Fruit Blossoms

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